Dear Suri

Dear Suri,

when I see the old apartment buildings, I feel a sense of relief: 'I'm here, and I am safe'. Each summer I go there, and it feels so strange to see the buildings, the mountain, the trees in a year or two on the airport bus. You have changed so much, but you also still look recognizable. Walking around this place, I feel its breeze, and its breath. The green, so deep in blue. The sunshine hitting on me. They look like stars flowing into this place. One night it was so rainy, and storming. Me and my friend walked home from the park without an umbrella. Completely soaked, but I remember that day so much. How much we laughed in the rain. Playing animal crossing on the sofa until my back hurts, looking at the view filled with mountains outside. Sometimes of summer rains, sometimes of summer mists. I love this place so much. I don't need to go to Seoul, or anywhere else in South Korea, because this is the place I miss the most.


Dear Living Room at Nighttime


Dear Honduras