Dear Place

I miss you. It's not been the same without you. Be damned, it's been nigh unrecognizable. There's no comfort in knowing I can stand up, to walk as near or as far as I wish, only to see you at any point of that journey. There's been a lot going on. More than I'd like, I'll be perfectly honest. And I wish that there was that modicum of connection still in place - that sweet summer solitude that bound us as seeds to an apple.

I'm sorry I haven't been able to carry on separate from you. It's been hard, as I'm sure you know, and it must be hard to be but a faint memory too. It's fine, I'll get by, maybe. If things get bad, I'll try my hardest to replicate being there at that time. It won't be the same but I'll take anything that's remotely similar. Thanks for being there all the time, back then. Next time I'll visit you again, and I'll hopefully arrive at the right door to the right house.


Dear Meadow


Dear Place